The Use of Jewish Scriptures in the New Testament: Different Modalities of Intertextuality


This workshop will investigate the ways the authors and scribes of the New Testament engaged with Jewish scriptures, be it through explicit quotations or allusions or by invoking motifs or patterns of thought. It aims at discovering the multiple interpretations and nuances that emerge when considering the New Testament as part of and in dialogue with a vast corpus of texts, including biblical and other Jewish literature. 

This examination of the intertextual relationships on a producer-oriented level, according to current literary criteria, will be complemented by another perspective that explores how these phenomena were perceived by ancient scribes. This will be based on the material evidence found in New Testament manuscripts from the earliest until the 15th century. The study of scribal phenomena such as diplai, rubrication, segmentation, annotation, drawings, titles, Euthalian quotation lists, and catena will offer a window into how later Christianity understood the New Testament’s use of Jewish Scriptures. 



Intertextuality, Reception, Jewish Scriptures, Paratextuality



Marie-Thérèse Gerstner

Humboldt-University of Berlin


Anthony Giambrone

École Biblique de Jérusalem

Anthony Royle

University of Glasgow

Syracuse 2023 Call for Papers

The workshop “The Use of Jewish Scriptures in the New Testament: Different Modalities of Intertextuality” explores the relationships between Jewish scriptures and the New Testament across different modalities. The first will focus on the methods and principles that guided the writers of the NT in their use, interpretation, and actualization of Jewish scriptures; the criteria for the identification and description of intertextual relations (quotations or allusions, common motifs or patterns of thought); as well as contemporaneous Jewish exegesis. Going further on in time and making use of material evidence, a second modality will center on the manner in which the use of Jewish scripture was noted by the scribes of early and later New Testament manuscripts (until the 15th century) using diplai, rubrication, segmentation, annotation, drawings, titles, Euthalian quotation lists, and catena. Papers exploring any of the mentioned topics are welcome. The papers will be circulated up to a week before the sessions and presenters are to give a 10-minute overview of their submitted piece, followed by 15 minutes for discussion.